We're IT in a Pinch, an Austin-based managed IT services provider that believes there is a better way to do IT support.
IT in a Pinch specializes in a wide range of services, including tailored IT services and solutions for small and medium businesses and their owners in Austin. We are committed to providing each and every one of our clients with high quality service and support. Our unique IT team is incredibly friendly and can help you every step of the way in growing your business. We expertly combine our services in order to provide you with customized help and support so you only get what you need and what you want. Our innovative approach starts with a thorough investigation of what your company needs to succeed so that we can ensure a perfect fit with you and our services.
IT in a Pinch's clients benefit greatly when they choose to partner with us.
Not only will you have more energy and time to focus on your business while we handle your IT needs, but you'll experience happier and more productive employees, too. Let us help you open the doors to more technology so you can rest easy that your network will always perform to your standards and that your company will be able to outperform its competitors with ease. Sleep soundly tonight knowing that your electronic assets are optimized, maintained, and protected – because ensuring your business' technology runs smoothly is our top priority.

It in a Pinch believes in constantly monitoring and assessing a clients needs and we will make recommendations that fit your evolving business.
Mission Statement: To provide a strong, client-centric environment that is focused on relationship development and support, as well as continuous advisement. By developing intimate relationships, we are looking out for our clients’ long term success.
IT in a Pinch recognizes that most internal IT departments have limited resources. Outsourcing part or all of your IT department gives your company access to a dedicated team with the latest tools, training, and knowledge. With this in mind, we strive to build solid relationships with our clients that focus on personalized attention, trust and exceptional customer service. To deliver on this, it is important for us to understand our clients’ immediate and long-term needs.

Our Approach
At IT in a Pinch, we understand that managed IT services are not the right fit for every business. Not only is it physically impossible for us to server every business in the Austin area, but we also make an effort to seek out and work with the businesses who are a great fit for our services in all areas..

We work with you to examine your current objectives and identify areas we can focus on to best meet your needs.

We assess your current infrastructure and based upon our initial discussion, we research the best available solutions that fit your needs and budget.

Based upon our research, we present a proposal that shows the pros and cons of available solutions, along with our recommendations.

Once an agreed upon direction has been decided, we will develop and implement a plan, taking steps to minimize disruptions while we work.

Ongoing Support
We provide ongoing support and re-evaluate your infrastructure based upon your current and future business goals.
Are We a Good Fit for Your Business?
The first step to finding out if the customer-centered approach to technology that’s made possible by IT in a Pinch is right for you, is setting up your one-on-one call with one of our Austin-based IT expert today: 512-982-9999